KTown Crew: Why I Know They Like Me

Overlooked and Underrated as a Business Model


The Brewers will always be my No 1. No close 2nd. And it is great knowing they like me. They value me, which would be a better term. And not “me”, a dude with a website and a decent following…but “me” a grown Brewer fan. I spent a long time with one foot in the media and a decade in the technology business and I’m a technological toddler. Stream should be filled with fish. And then the Crew rolls in and does the unthinkable….they hook you up with some FREE TV. For us channel flippers who still watch TV like its the 90s, it’s great that they will show 10 games the traditional way.

And this news fresh on the heels of the announcement that Nelly is doing a post-game show on June 27th. My window of hip hop is like early 2000…I know plenty of people who fall into that category. Nelly is great. And my wife and I have seen Flo Rida twice at similar shows including once, on the field, at AmFam. My wife grabbed the man’s ass as he bopped on by on the shoulders of some giant dude. True story. That’s old-school hip hop …with a ball game first…and a tailgate before that. Yea.


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And maybe the “small market” thing works a little for us in terms of connection to the team. I don’t think anyone is going door to door to recruit fans, but I do think they work pretty hard to make it a great thing to be a part of. I’ve had the good fortune to know Rick Schlesinger, the Brewers President of Business Operations, for many years. The No 1A person in command of the Brewers is NEVER more than a few hours turnaround on any email. And I’m just a dude out here on the fringes. I just truly believe they value their fan base.


As for the end game? Would love to see them win it all. And they have made it possible for me to realistically believe that they can…most years. How many organizations you know can say that? If you get in it, you have a chance…and they are in it a lot. I don’t see them diverting monies into the Matrix any time soon so as an organization, they have been aggressive on the early side of deals and you have to respect that as a mode of survival. As a way to compete against tall odds. RARELY will you hear me second-guessing anything on or off the field. There are way too many factors I’d have no clue about that go into decisions that truly matter.


The weather is turning. Some dude named Yoho has a pitch that is allegedly unhittable. Made, Misiorowski, Nestor, Yelli raking, Big Woo, I mean…count me in. Chourio, William, Turang, Mitchell breaks out, Fast Ball, all rally around a strong back of the pen to close it out.


Happy Baseball Season to you all.