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Packers ’23: My View of Reality
And now for their own good, they moved up and got another rising talent in hope of covering "the most important position in…
Packers ’22-’23 Last Rites
Now that the Packer season is well over, it might be time to put it all behind us. It was a grind. It was also relatively…
The Only Hall of Famer To Make Me Nervous
Thanks to the great Ed Doody from WLIP I got a press pass for a Jordan home game post-baseball break. (Un)Fortunately, I also had…
In Honor of “Blue”: My All-Time Field of Dreams Team
Blue was ALWAYS on base. Surgical hitter. He could go out there and tell you within about 5 feet, where the ball was gonna land…
My Take: The Greatest Wrestling in KTown History
My 4 years at St Joe's High School were book ended with SIX....count em...SIX WISAA State Wrestling Champions.
The Best KTown Has Ever Seen: My Opinion
Football: Lakefront Stadium...seemed like it was freezing and windy every game. Carbone leading teams with greats like Bob Hogan…
Harry Stoebe: Legend
Few coaches in the history of KTown sports garner more respect and genuine love than Harry Stoebe. The man was an institution on…
The Most Hated 3-1 Team Ever
It was astonishing to see that not only were a lot of people not celebrating last Sunday's win, it appears they'd actually rather…
A Unique Bond
The first time I ever saw Mariana Becerra was four years ago. She was an 85-pound freshman and our middle daughter Katelyn was her…
The Most Important Man in Kenosha Entertainment
Simply stated, Jason Griffin may be the most important man in Kenosha entertainment. I haven't known him long, but he is the…