Random Thoughts

And A Wrap On Kenosha Restaurant Week


The Badger hoops team is kinda hard to figure.  Not sure if I’m a believer just yet.  Ford is soooo soft, they don’t have a lights out scorer and their defense is a tad Jekyll and Hyde for my tastes.  Marquette is far more stable and predictable and likely a more complete team and very much deserve their spot in the national rankings.

My personal favorite place to highlight for Restaurant Week would be Ruffolo’s 2.  The lunch calzone special is just silly…a calzone as big as your place with THREE stuffings for 4 bucks!!  Get an appetizer of a basket of Garlic Knots for starters.  The service is excellent and the food is as good as you will find anywhere.

Make Giannis the first half a billion-dollar athlete as quickly as possible.  Mike Trout sits at $430 million for an entire contract and if he is worth 430, The Freak is worth a half a billion.  The Bucks just keep winning on his nights off and are toying with the best record ever in NBA history.  I don’t know how you make it work with salary caps, but some things you just find a way.

The XFL was OK.  I mean, it is the NFL but at about 84% of the speed and athleticism.  As was the case with the first XFL, it likely has a limited shelf life but there are things the NFL will adopt because they make sense.  Look for the XFL kick-off rules to be the major takeaway from this version of the XFL.  I was a little disappointed they didn’t bring back “He Hate Me” though.

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The Milwaukee Brewers once again begin the baseball season with incredibly low expectations from the national media.  No matter who the Brewers have, they won’t look like the newest version of the Dodgers.  Milwaukee is never a place for the “sexy pick” so lowered expectations are and will be the norm.  Avisail Gracia will be this season’s major addition and put them right back in contention at the top of the NL.

I wonder why no one is ever overly passionate about local politics like they are with national politics.  I mean, on the local level your voice may actually be heard but at the local level you may actually come face to face with those you oppose.   I guess it is a whole lot easier to write a 4 paragraph dissertation on social media about the evils of the national scene knowing you are one of 10’s of millions pontificating as opposed to going to a city council meeting and actually calling someone out.

Why wasn’t it socially acceptable to wear gym shoes with suits when I actually owned a suit??  All the dudes on ESPN are rollin with a suit and some gym shoes.  I mean, I get it…it made sense to me back in the 80’s but that don’t mean it was anything but “church shoes” until recently.  I guess it is a better-late-than-never scenario but I’ll be damned if I’m going to buy a suit just to wear gym shoes with it.


That is just some things I think about.
