RIP Ken Rice

Devastating News


Ken Rice passed away unexpectedly a short time ago. My heart is heavy for Jen, Nick, and the family. We’ve lost a great man with unique and distinct strengths and for many years, the Eye of the Don’s Storm. Everyone who knew Ken Rice had an opinion about him. VERY little gray area…which was completely by design. Ken’s passing marks a devastating couple-month stretch for the kinship known as The Dons. It’s fucked up…no other way to put it. Ken was a large personality within a pretty tight-knit group. Very easily the most discussed Don of all time. Every Don can tell you of amazing conversations with Kenny, and each can recall one that they wished hadn’t happened. There ain’t a Don among us that didn’t love seeing Rice and his dog Wrigley walking around Lincoln 1 when the Dons were playing. Something wise coming your way before you can even say hello to the dude…just like it should be.

In the Prime of the radio run of Instant Replay…there was all of us…and there was Kool-Kenny Kool-Aid. That is definitely my selfish connection to the man. A radio “natural”. An organically grown antagonist…he was no wind sock….ever. As Original of an Original Don as there ever was or will be. Favorite KJR story was the “Jackson Jones” radio bit at Mr Z’s. First time anyone of us ever met Shirley, the darling of WLIP. Kool McKool and I did an impromptu last few plays of the game-winning drive with Jackson Jones scoring the winning TD. The “why” of it being Jackson Jones is a story in itself, but safe to say, Kenny just made it incredible. We discussed doing it in the commercial break for the first time ever broaching the subject…30 seconds later he was hilarious…not everyone can do that. Ask any of those Klingons at WLIP today about the radio show back in the day, I guarantee you Kool Kenny Kool-Aid will be the first and only name mentioned, ha! Fuck em.

I was fortunate to be full-time at the radio station when Nick was starring and winning Gatorade State High School Player of the Year. I got to talk to Kenny differently than usual. The “front” Ken discusses his kid way differently than Kool Kenny the dad. That was great. Did I hype Nick Rice as much as I could? Well, to quote the great Col Nathan R Jessup…” you’re god damn right I did”. That is the beauty of the Dons. To one another… ruthless and relentless shaming when the opportunity arises…but just 100% behind everyone’s kid. As much as we’ve all busted on one another through the years, the next generation of Dons have no greater advocates than their defacto aunts and uncles. Ken Rice knew everything there was to know about everything. Anything. Zero chance you knew more about it than him. Good luck pinning that dude down on anything. All original shit…no way you could say it was a “this” or a “that” angle… it was one thing…Ken Rice’s angle. 100% original 100% of the time. Nick had an amazing high school run and was a very productive college pitcher…and getting to walk through life, with Ken Rice, when his kid was dominating, was great. He spoke vintage Kenny about a subject he was an expert on….his kid.

My heartfelt condolences to everyone in Ken’s family. This world is not the same place anymore with him not in it. Having Kenny wander into our area during bags this past summer was exceptional. BDW, Weeze, Stoebe, MJ, Swa, Hollywood and who walks up but The Schoolie himself, Ken Rice…like a conquering hero…and everyone’s smile let him know it was great to have him there. And speaking of MJ, if you know The Queen…and you all do…please keep her in your thoughts or reach out…these are hard times on everyone…as rough on her as anyone. Ken Rice was one of the most complicated people I’ve ever met. I value every conversation we ever had…and can’t really apologize for any dust-ups…they were inevitable. You will be missed Ken Rice, you will be discussed as you always have been, and you will always be respected among those who knew you best.

Note: Wasn’t sure whether to even do this. Ken deserves respect but I’m struggling with “Am I on earth to do a C-plus job of eulogizing my friends”? I asked the Don who I knew would say “don’t” and then asked the Don who I knew would say “do”. I have the compromise. I’m writing a profile on some of the high-profile Dons whether they want me to or not. From this day forward the Dons are about life and I’m writing profiles on a bunch of MFs…read it, don’t read it…that’s just the way it is. Profiles of Dons you should get to know or get to know better. Or you can walk right past em in the supermarket and call em an asshole once you are clear…it’s happened….among Dons. ha!

Note 2: Going to Ken’s Memorial Service made me feel better about posting this. It was special. The truth and being of Ken Rice was on full display and celebrated. Swa spoke from the heart and spoke for Don Nation and did an exceptional job. And for the record, the French translation of Swa is Shay. Take that $1000 start-up stack and use it well Kool Kenny. I’ll be layin on 17 Black and Shay will be rollin hard sixes. 

