The Blade V: Epilogue

Random Thoughts


Congrats to everyone involved in the 5th Annual Blade…from top to bottom. Just another top-notch event. There is NOTHING in KTown like it in terms of softball/bags/old-school/fundraising/stuff for the kids/eating and chillin’ and carrying on….nothing. I always give my props to Swa cause he’s my guy of the Don and Donna hierarchy that makes this all happen…I know he can speak for me and for volumes of people when we say thanks to everyone for the massive amount of work you all put in to make this event the must-attend event of the summer. Well Done.

I thought the Bourbon raffle was outstanding. The RFR Society was glad to be a part of that fundraiser. Kinda funny how things work out, at our table there were 3 people in the 2nd raffle…the winner of the three of us just happens to have a #13 necklace around her neck and a HEGS 13 license plate.

As we rolled into the parking lot of The Moose Friday night (love and respect to this great venue), my wife and I both said “Holy Shit”. And that would remain the recurring theme all weekend. The event was WELL attended all weekend. Boggles the mind to think what this has become in 5 years.

Wind blowing OUT all weekend. I ain’t saying some of the homers were Ruthian…but they sure were Judgian (BDW!). Saw Pete Schuler hit one that might still be in the air. Pretty sure he was the HR champ. Crazy how the game changes once the game allotment of HRs is reached. I think they got it right in how that is all handled. Shenanigans double-dipped the championship games to take first, with Chic’s 2nd and SS Don’s/Lost Boys grabbing the Bronze. Really good softball all weekend.

Bags flew all day Saturday and Sunday. Harry (Scott) Hartnell and his partner won the main tournament. Damn bowlers are just SO good at bags. Great to see Scott’s brother Perry out cheering the squad on to victory. I didn’t see who ended up winning the Sunday “blind draw” tournament but I know there were some shooters over there including a teen kid…..dude could Bag. On Saturday Wood_Don and Don_Weeze kept the underachieving streak alive. Game 1 up 20-8 and lose. Game two = 2 and ‘Cue…ouch!

Props to Dave A and Dougie Fresh with Swa’s assistance for working the grills. They added corn to the menu this year and it was a huge hit. Dave was saying that they pretty much sold everything they had in terms of food. Well done to those having anything to do with the food provided. Fantastic tournament food. Mad props to the designer of The Blade logo this year. It was BLADE on the cover…crazy. They just keep coming up with more cool shit to make this celebration the massive party it has become. The Blade V T-Shirt is a must-have. The #13 Knife Hat will forever be the gold standard of hats.

Props to Scott Covelli and his band of Basement Benchwarmers for the PA service all weekend. Aside from the incredible time commitment, to be ON for an entire weekend is no walk in the park. What he adds to the event is fantastic. It is very easy to try and do too much and equally easy to do very is a gift to be able to do that professionally as well as conversationally. Very well done.

The Blade the man and The Blade the tournament work as the ultimate reason. My wife drove me to Friday’s events and I popped a 16 oz Champaign of Beers. Being in KTown, we made it about 3 blocks out of Pleasant Prairie and I splashed all over myself. But The Man and The Tournament allows for “Fuck it, where else would I be wearing beer but The Blade”. I think that the fact that Steve Hess ain’t here calls for a memorial shot or three of something. I still feel like hell and I only got after it in terms of boozin’ on Saturday.

Thankful for conversations with Myron (first dude I talked to walking in two years in a row!), R Smith, Mare, M Doss, S Kessler, The Rocco Jr ensemble, multiple chats with Amy..including the one time with myself and Guy essentially pointing at Amy’s boobs for about 2 minutes… long story. Leon (mad props on getting the Steve Hess Softball Ambassador Award), DH13, The Rozzoni’s, a whole hillside fulla Dons (props to Don_Weeze for the acquisition of the Tony Montana Bags), L Owens, R Stienke (and he got some swings for The Dons, what??), Smitty, Jaybird and many others.

Not sure why Griff was wearing the incognito long flowing black wig on Sunday and I doubt I wanna know. Likely something about not being needed for 24 straight hours like I’m sure he was all day Saturday. Maybe it’s something else, what do I know? He looked like a Don/Alice Cooper love child.

I’m certain The Blade met and exceeded all financial metrics. Can’t say enough about what everyone does. Also can’t say enough how surreal it is to hear Wood_Don talk about what a Don is and giving back…back in the 80s…and to know The Dons are a part of this great celebration, of this once-in-a-lifetime individual, is really satisfying.

Glad I got to hang with my wife most of the weekend. The Blade is so much more than a softball and bags tournament. It’s a Blade Party.

Trivia Answers: Mullet lead singer..Flock of Seagulls. First fantasy draft host…Cholak. Mimic of “Corner” call…Joe Bentz. NY Times baby face…Wood_Don. Blade’s fantasy partner…Swa. Queen of the Dons…Mary Joy. The band he didn’t get to see…The Scorpions. Party throwing Don…Smitty. Radio segment…Kenosha Area Softball Report. Don who gave the toast…Tussler. And the last one is obviously very true.

The one true crime will forever be that he ain’t here to rule over this celebration. Mad props to everyone involved for this fitting party to a man who was universally loved and respected. RIP#13
