New Year’s Resolutions: KTown Style

And None Involve A Gym


See more live music from our excellent local music scene. Guys like Matt Meyer and bands like Boys N Toys provide a plethora of quality entertainment.  In the words of the late great Warren Zevon..”sooner or later, we all become a novelty act”…and folks likely to read this have an appreciation for the Excitable Boy and the music of our youth.  Go see some live music and support these hard working local musicians.

Adopt a new dive bar.  I ain’t saying you have to abandon your current dive bar, just expand your horizons.  The “corner bar” mentality in this city is second to none..celebrate that!!  Stop in at a place you haven’t been to in years or check out a new old place that somehow you just never made it in to.  Your $20 bucks means a lot to the independent business owner, and there is no way you’ll have a bad time.

Enjoy the lakefront and downtown.  Let’s face it, they are finally doing something with the lakefront and downtown.  It has only taken our entire adult lives to see some progress down there but it is progress and it is good for the city and for everyone.

Go watch some local sports.  A place where the love of the game is still obvious.  The debate about whether or not KTown is relevant in the state sports landscape notwithstanding, these young people and dedicated coaches are in it for the right reasons and should be supported.

Do something nice for a fellow Kenoshan.  The possibilities are endless.  Buy a cop a meal.  Mend a fence with an acquaintance that did you wrong.  Lend someone a hand before they ask for it.  Not preachin, just sayin.

Continue to show pride in your hometown.  Everywhere I go and everywhere my kids go, folks always say: “you make it sound like Kenosha is the great place”.  It is.  Not without flaws, KTown is home.  It is the smallest 100,000-person city on the planet and that is kinda cool.  Sometimes we are all a little too close to one another’s business but that is bound to happen in a “family” community like this.

Ask more of your politicians.  MUCH MORE.  The national political landscape has certainly caused a shift in scrutiny placed on all levels of government.  Good!  We should expect more from our government than a 45-minute meeting on who gets the cut the grass at Petzke Park.  Our local government needs to stop “playing politics” and pretending like being an Alderman actually entitles you to anything.  I personally have never thought the local government was as good as the people it represents.

Try some new food.  A local taco or gyro shop, maybe a new restaurant or an old one you haven’t been to, KTown is filled with some of the region’s best eats.  And we keep those places in business by supporting them and steering clear of the chain restaurants whenever possible.  Getting a “3 stuffing inside a lunch special” Calzone at Ruffolo’s for under $4 bucks makes this place a world class city for food.  Please don’t take that for granted.


Happy New Year to all!
