The Return of the Good Old Dons

A Quiet Return to Competition


For the past three years, my annual story about bags would feature a picture of my wife and a story about the Monday Night Bags League at Sheridan Lanes. Well this summer, a wrinkle was added. This summer there were some old Dons in town and taking up space and grabbing plenty of L’s on Kenosha’s east side. As charter-member Wood_Don said, “when you look around and you don’t see the shitty team…you are the shitty team”. And while none of our 6 set the world on fire, it was Don_Weeze that was the most consistent with Swa always the wild-card and Dougie Fresh and Andy both better than me. At the end of the day, it was great to have the band back together and talk some nonsense. And Griff and Ashley and the entire crew at SL are just top-notch. And when you get the pleasure of shooting against Griff…prepare to be put to sleep.

The Bags Leagues at Sheridan Lanes have an old-school feel. Not just because there are plenty of old MFs down there because there are. It’s just got a 1984 softball community feel to it. Maybe that is because some of the teams are made up of that type of person. And maybe because Griff and Ashley are like, in it with you, so to speak. They shoot, they work, they entertain and they are never sick at sea, They were both gone on one Wednesday and it wasn’t the same. The night was well run, the games were good, the weather was great, but it wasn’t the same without them there. And that type of interaction and buy-in is well past rare.

The Good Old Dons logged a semi-weak 7th Place when it was all said and done. When a bunch of Dons wander into a league-bowler crossfire, the results are a given. The best night I shot by far, I ended up 1-2 on the night. My first two games…both losses…were at the hands of a Kenosha bowling great. As I took my second loss in a second consecutive nail biter, all I could say was “you Fing bowlers”…to which my opponent…we’ll just call him Jeff R, said, “yea, to be fair, I did bowl 30 games this past weekend, ha!”. And it was cool. I shot about as well as I could and got bested by a better shooter. I guess it is another example of a lifetime “league” person just adding to the strength of the league. Much thanks and love to Griff and everyone involved in the SL Bags League. A Don never had it so good.
