The Road To Recovery For Brianna Zirbel

Please Consider This Great Cause


A young lady named Brianna Zirbel is recovering from a recent accident, one which she suffered severe brain trauma. I know Brianna, she was a part of my workday for a few years. It’s easy to explain why I first remembered her…when you look at a roster and someone is named Zirbel, they are always last and by process of elimination, you know who that person is way earlier than you know most. And BZ is a good person. The kinda person you can send off on an errand and you know she’s coming back. The kinda person that maybe ain’t all about what you are doing but does her thing and completes the required objective….a mature enough young adult to be given that much latitude. Headphones on, walking the track with a smile, just a teenager comfortable with who she is and 100% genuine. We didn’t speak a ton but BZ is one of my peeps. Her life was altered after an accident left her with a traumatic brain injury. Her road to recovery has been long and very difficult I’m sure. This is my story for awareness and support of of the really good ones.

This story also is, to some degree, about my own healing since I had a brother who was involved in a similar accident many years ago. I get nervous thinking about it, and kinda sick to my stomach while writing it…things like this change lives…and that hits close to home. And that was 1972 and this is 2023 and this is awareness to a young person in need, of a young person willing to fight, a young person that is just after a chance. When you experience “it can happen to anyone”, it changes your perspective forever.  The memory you fear the most becomes a reason to speak the loudest. BZ has already overcome many challenges and faces many more. I like to believe every cause is a worthy cause and I am positive this is a worthy cause. I can’t change my oil, build a dog house, or install an app on my phone without one of our daughter’s guidance…but I can do this. I can help bring awareness to a young woman involved in the fight of her life.

I called Tim Gascoigne when I saw the post about the fundraiser for BZ they are having at 24’s Rumors Lounge on September 30th from 2:00-7:00. I asked him if he thought it was OK to do what I do to help publicize the event. He agreed that it would be a good idea so here we are.  I believe people rely on the standard, “if I can change just one life” far too easily and far too often. I’m just here trying to help a person who has already endured change no person should have to bear. And I can promise you, it is not BZ involved in this fight, it is every person that loves and cares for her. We occasionally shop at where BZ works and I’m grateful to those folks for raising money for her and for keeping me updated with any public information they were aware of. Everybody that knows BZ is behind her recovery 100%. So please, if you have the means, consider supporting this event…if you know people, tell them about this event…if you pray, please say one for BZ. #briannasfight #TBIawareness.

For further information please contact Tim Gascoigne at 262-909-4394
