There’s Nothing Like a Real Christmas Tree

BY: Rick Limpert


Trying to decide whether to bring the fake Christmas tree out of the basement or opt to go out and get that real tree. There are positives and negatives of both and today we look at real trees.

Nothing says “the holidays” like picking out a real Christmas tree with your loved ones. As family members, we all want to make great memories. And as consumers, we all want to make great decisions. During the holidays there’s one way we can do both and that’s to choose a real Christmas tree. Real Christmas trees are better for family memories and better for the environment.

Real Trees are Tradition

For so many, the holidays are all about tradition – making time-honored family recipes, listening to classic holiday music, and decorating that perfect real tree. From the unmistakable fresh Christmas tree scent to the fun of the search, the experience of choosing a real tree is a tradition to look forward to every holiday season and remember for years to come.


Good for the Environment

Research shows that real Christmas trees are much friendlier to the environment compared to artificial trees. Artificial trees have three times the impact on climate change and resource depletion. Real Christmas trees are biodegradable and can be recycled or reused for mulch. Plus, Christmas tree farmers make sure planting and harvesting are balanced to protect the environment. In fact, for every real Christmas tree they harvest, they plant at least one new tree.


A Chance to Win

To celebrate the experience of choosing the perfect real tree this year, the Christmas Tree Promotion Board is hosting the first Real Trees, Real Memories Sweepstakes. To enter, share a photo of your real Christmas tree moment on social media for the chance to win one of 10 $250 cash gift cards. For official sweepstakes rules and more details on how to enter, visit


Former Kenoshan, Rick Limpert, is an Atlanta-based sports and consumer tech writer. You can follow him on Twitter at @RickRoswell and his review site, is updated daily.
